mun. Ramnicu Valcea, str. Matei Basarab, nr. 42, bl. 105, sc. A, ap. 5, jud Valcea
Coordonator transport / Logistica & Transport
Profile owner
Nuţu SRL este o firmă de expeditii si transport rutier de marfă, cu sediul în Râmnicu Vâlcea, ce realizează transporturi de mărfuri generale pe întreg teritoriul ţării, transport specializat în ţările Uniunii Europene, transport internaţional de marfă intra- şi extra-comunitar, transport ADR, transport containere, transport autoturisme cu platforme, transport colete, transport mobila, mutari si relocari, transport marfa pe paleti, transport in regim de grupaj sau exclusivitate. Companie specializata in transport international de marfa, oriunde in Europa. Realizam orice tip de transport, indiferent de destinatie si tipul de marfa transportata, in conditii optime. Suntem in permanenta deschisi colaborarii cu firmele de export sau import din Romania si Europa si asiguram gasirea unor solutii optime pentru transport. Camioanele noastre pot deservi si transportul intre tarile Europene, nu numai curse tur-retur Romania - Europa.
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Company routes
has no routes.
Company activities
Primary Activity
- Transporturi rutiere de mărfuri
Pays Excises: NO
Registration Date: 28.12.1995
Posts and news
SC NUTU SRL hasn’t posted anything yet. Once they do, their posts will appear here.
When was SC NUTU SRL established as a legal entity?
How many employees does SC NUTU SRL have?
What is the main business activity of SC NUTU SRL?
What is the address for SC NUTU SRL headquarters?
Who is the Chief Executive Officer of SC NUTU SRL?
How can I check if SC NUTU SRL can be trusted?
Is SC NUTU SRL still operational? Is this company active?
What other companies have been incorporated by the founders of SC NUTU SRL in RO?
What other companies are related to SC NUTU SRL by the following address: mun. Ramnicu Valcea, str. Matei Basarab, nr. 42, bl. 105, sc. A, ap. 5, jud Valcea?
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