sat. Voiniceni, nr. 53B, jud. Mures, Romania
Administrator / Logistica
Profile owner
SC TUTU TRANS SRL a fost infiintata in anul 2000 si este o societate cu capital integral privat, care are ca obiectiv principal de activitate “Transportul intern si international de marfuri” si in plan secundar, agricultura. Politica noastra de functionare se concentreaza pe consolidarea zilnica a unor relatii de parteneriat durabile. Ne dorim un mediu de afaceri bazat pe incredere, respect si profesionalism. In consecinta, reprezinta o prioritate pentru noi, a dispune de personal calificat in domeniu si de masini noi, sigure, rapide si perfect adaptate fiecarui tip de marfa, pentru a satisface corespunzator exigentele clientilor nostri. Datorita preocuparii constante pentru a raspunde prompt si rapid cerintelor unice a clientilor, cream solutii personalizate de transport si oferim servicii integrate de distributie, in orice regim. Am reusit sa dezvoltam colaborari cu mari producatori din Europa, onorand servicii de calitate la preturi competitive.
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Company routes
has no routes.
Company activities
Primary Activity
- Cultivarea cerealelor (exclusiv orez), plantelor leguminoase si a plantelor producatoare de seminte oleaginoase
Pays Excises: NO
Registration Date: 16.03.2000
Posts and news
TUTU TRANS SRL hasn’t posted anything yet. Once they do, their posts will appear here.
When was TUTU TRANS SRL established as a legal entity?
How many employees does TUTU TRANS SRL have?
What is the main business activity of TUTU TRANS SRL?
What is the address for TUTU TRANS SRL headquarters?
Who is the Chief Executive Officer of TUTU TRANS SRL?
How can I check if TUTU TRANS SRL can be trusted?
Is TUTU TRANS SRL still operational? Is this company active?
What other companies have been incorporated by the founders of TUTU TRANS SRL in RO?
What other companies are related to TUTU TRANS SRL by the following address: sat. Voiniceni, nr. 53B, jud. Mures, Romania?
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