01024, м.Київ, ВУЛИЦЯ КРУГЛОУНІВЕРСИТЕТСЬКА, будинок 7, офіс 30
Export manager / Export-Import
Profile owner
Eximline-Invest LLC has been working since 2013 and we are export-import Company working both on Ukrainian and abroad markets. We are always searching reliable transport companies which are able to transport our products to the following countries: - Slovenia, Greece, Austriam Czhech Republic, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria "Eximline-Invest" LLC working as wholeseller of : - wooden pallets of different sizes and types - wooden timbers (oak, pine) - fuel briuets (Pini Key, RUF)
Similar companies
- Ж
Україна, 65025, Одеська обл., місто Одеса, ВУЛИЦЯ УТЬОСОВА, будинок 14, квартира 17
- Є
18029, Черкаська обл., місто Черкаси, Соснівський район, ВУЛИЦЯ 30 РОКІВ ПЕРЕМОГИ, будинок 10, квартира 42
Company routes
has no routes.
Company activities
Primary Activity
- Оптова торгівля деревиною, будівельними матеріалами та санітарно-технічним обладнанням
Pays Excises: NO
Registration Date: -
Posts and news
TOV "EKSIMLAJN-INVEST" hasn’t posted anything yet. Once they do, their posts will appear here.
When was TOV "EKSIMLAJN-INVEST" established as a legal entity?
How many employees does TOV "EKSIMLAJN-INVEST" have?
What is the main business activity of TOV "EKSIMLAJN-INVEST"?
What is the address for TOV "EKSIMLAJN-INVEST" headquarters?
Who is the Chief Executive Officer of TOV "EKSIMLAJN-INVEST"?
How can I check if TOV "EKSIMLAJN-INVEST" can be trusted?
Is TOV "EKSIMLAJN-INVEST" still operational? Is this company active?
What other companies have been incorporated by the founders of TOV "EKSIMLAJN-INVEST" in UA?
What other companies are related to TOV "EKSIMLAJN-INVEST" by the following address: 01024, м.Київ, ВУЛИЦЯ КРУГЛОУНІВЕРСИТЕТСЬКА, будинок 7, офіс 30?
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