str.Ion Pelivan 15, ap.20, mun. Chisinau
Administrator / Logistic
Compania "VELOXI GRUP" SRL activeaza in domeniul comertului en gross si cu amanuntul a materialelor de constructii din 2008. Astăzi, oferim clientilor nostri o gama larga de produse pentru constructii si reparatie de cladiri de la fundatie la acoperis, si o amenajare ulterioare a acestora. Avind o experienta in domeniu, compania noastra ocupa o pozitie ferma pe piata autohtona a materialelor de contructie. In pofida crizei continua, Veloxi Grup Srl este axata pe extinderea gamei sortimentale de produse si cresterea volumului de vanzari. Parteneriatul pe termen lung cu furnizori din Polonia, Rusia, Ucraina, România, Bulgaria, Turcia si Statele Unite ale Americii, ofera companiei noastre o experienta innalta si avantajul in optimizarea organizarii lucrului la toate nivelele de functionare. The company "VELOXI GRUP" SRL operates in the field of wholesale and retail construction and finishing materials since 2008. Today, we are able to provide our customers a wide range of building materials for the construction of buildings and structures from the foundation to the roof and a complete interior and exterior decoration. Working on the Moldovan market, our company has gained a strong position, taking the lead in sales of decorative surfacing materials. Despite the continuing crisis, our company is on the expansion of product range and increasing the volume of sales. The long-term partnerships with companies in Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and America give us a great experience and the advantage of optimizing the construction work at all levels of functioning.
Похожие компании
- A
mun. Chişinău, sec. Buiucani, str. Calea Ieşilor, 51/2, ap.(of.) 11
- V
mun. Chişinău, sec. Rîşcani, str. Vladimirescu Tudor, 1, ap.(of.) 1
Маршруты компании
не имеет маршрутов.
Деятельность компании
Основная деятельность
- Comerţ cu ridicata al materialului lemnos şi al materialelor de construcţie şi echipamentelor sanitare
Плательщик акциз: НЕТ
ПлательщикНДС: ДА
Дата регистрации: 01.06.2008
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VELOXI GRUP S.R.L. все еще работает? Эта компания действующая?
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