sat. Ulmi, com. Ulmi, jud. Dambovita
Director Achizitii / Achizitii
Glulam S.A. (Glulam Romania SA until 2008) was formed in 1999 as a joint venture between a group of Romanian investors and a group of foreign investors formed of the largest glulam producer in Denmark, the leading market leader in Iceland with a subsidiary in Portugal, supported by a Danish investment fund. The Danish partner provided the technology and the transfer of knowledge was done by delegating a team of workers and engineers to Iceland to specialize in the design, production and assembly of glulam structures and heat insulating panels. In 2002 the production of thermal insulating panels and the construction of the glued laminated wood factory began. The production of glued laminated wood started in 2004, one of the first projects being the Regina Hotel in Sinaia. Thus, Glulam S.A. I have shown my potential from the beginning, becoming the most important player in the Romanian market. In 2006, Glulam became the Specialty Designer for the laminated wood structure glued to the Minimax stores and by 2008 our company provided the structure for 15 stores. Starting in 2010, Glulam S.A. is a Romanian company with full Romanian capital, with Romanian investors taking over the majority stake in the Scandinavian partners. WHY GLULAM? Glulam S.A. - is based on knowledge At Glulam we use our professional expertise to find the solutions that best fit your construction projects. Our goal is to make the process of building a building as efficient as possible through expert advice, production and logistics. Glulam S.A. - is based on experience Glulam provides the best expertise in laminated wood. We have learned from the best - Lilleheden A / S for 50 years the market leader in Denmark - and now we offer you complete wood-based solutions. From our experience you can get advice by phone or email, through a static calculation, or an assembly drawing. Glulam is where no project is too big or too small. Combining our wood-based experience with your ideas, we get the best
Подібні компанії
- L
str. Calea Someseni, nr.4 A, mun. Cluj-Napoca, jud. Cluj
- S
nr.23, sat. Cuparu, com. Dragodana, jud. Dambovita
Маршрути компанії
не має маршрутів.
Діяльність компанії
Основна діяльність
- Taierea si rindeluirea lemnului
Платник Акциз: НI
Платить ПДВ: ТАК
Дата реєстрації: 26.01.1999
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