Konin, Sosnowa 17/53
Director / Logistics
Profile owner
We provide road transport services on the territory of Poland and the European Union. The main directions of our transports are: DE, NL, BE, DK, CZ, PL, we are looking for regular cargo between these countries, or domestic shipment in DE. With time we managed to gain experience in the area of transportation, thanks to which we won the confidence of customers, "Gref-Trans" has highly qualified staff being at your disposal, ready to provide services of the highest standard. Our competent personnel will find the most effective logistic solution to delivery tour freight safely to its destination. We offer modern and the highest quality fleet (Tautliners KRONE and trucks Mercedes Euro 6), able to transport different kinds of goods. We have also semi-trailers BERGER-Ecotrail which are specially manufactured for the transport of steel and aluminum coils, and slit strips. We have also permissions for transportation of waste materials. We guarantee timely collection and delivery of goods at the specified time. We can provide our truck for Your demand based of our experience and contact we got by years, started in 1996. We will use all diligence, so that your order is carried out with the greatest attention and in a timely manner. In addition, we strive to constantly evolve to meet the expectations of even the most demanding customers. The vehicle fleet is monitored by GPS, so you always know what is happening with your cargo. Our drivers are people with long experience in international transport and working in our company since many years , thanks to which they provide a comprehensive service and proper circulation of documentation. Taking care of natural environment, they are also attending eco- driving training.
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- H
ul. Grzymalitów 14C 03-141 Warszawa Poland
Górecka 45, 43-430 Skoczów, Polska
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has no routes.
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Pays Excises: NO
Registration Date: -
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What is the main business activity of GREF-TRANS KRZYSZTOF GREFICZ?
What is the address for GREF-TRANS KRZYSZTOF GREFICZ headquarters?
Who is the Chief Executive Officer of GREF-TRANS KRZYSZTOF GREFICZ?
How can I check if GREF-TRANS KRZYSZTOF GREFICZ can be trusted?
Is GREF-TRANS KRZYSZTOF GREFICZ still operational? Is this company active?
What other companies have been incorporated by the founders of GREF-TRANS KRZYSZTOF GREFICZ in PL?
What other companies are related to GREF-TRANS KRZYSZTOF GREFICZ by the following address: Konin, Sosnowa 17/53?
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