Mazurska 28, Piastów
Dispatcher / Transport
Profile owner
Customers are our partners – this is the motto of our company Specialist knowledge and dedication of our personnel allow us to put this into life, which ensures that we can meet the expectations of each customer. Vistrans Polska ensures flexibility and professionalism in the provision of services and transparent communication. The customer has access to information about the shipment at all stages of order execution. Working with a dedicated forwarder for each customer allows to significantly shorten the formalities and this way to save time. Our website also details the comprehensive range of road, sea and air transport services offered. Please get in touch for a quick valuation or to send an inquiry.
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ul. ALEJA JANA PAWŁA II, nr 141, lok. ---, miejsc. BIAŁA PODLASKA, kod 21-500, poczta BIAŁA PODLASKA, kraj POLSKA
- M
Polna 7, 62-085 Skoki
Company routes
has no routes.
Company activities
Primary Activity
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Pays Excises: NO
Registration Date: -
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When was VISTRANS POLSKA established as a legal entity?
How many employees does VISTRANS POLSKA have?
What is the main business activity of VISTRANS POLSKA?
What is the address for VISTRANS POLSKA headquarters?
Who is the Chief Executive Officer of VISTRANS POLSKA?
How can I check if VISTRANS POLSKA can be trusted?
Is VISTRANS POLSKA still operational? Is this company active?
What other companies have been incorporated by the founders of VISTRANS POLSKA in PL?
What other companies are related to VISTRANS POLSKA by the following address: Mazurska 28, 05-820 Piastów?
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