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Ulkomaankauppa- ja verotus Tulli
ID: FI001210
Monitorizare online: Decembrie 22, 2024 - 7:52 am
Trafic la intrare
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Trafic la ieșire
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Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 16:00
-Customs authority responsible for granting the authorisation to establish regular shipping services
-Receiving Customs Authority
-Customs authority responsible for granting the authorisation of authorised issuer
-Customs authority designated for the purpose of taking decisions relating to binding tariff information
-Customs authority responsible for granting the authorisation of authorised consignor for Union transit
-Customs authority responsible for granting the authorisation of authorised consignee for Union transit
-Customs authority responsible for granting the authorisation of authorised consignee for TIR operation
-Customs authority responsible for granting the authorisation for the status of an authorised weigher of bananas
-Customs authority responsible for granting the authorisation for centralised clearance
-Customs authority responsible for granting authorisation for provision of a comprehensive
Care este codul vamal pentru acest punct de frontieră? Ulkomaankauppa- ja verotus Tulli
Care sunt orele de lucru ale acestui punct vamal?
Disponibilitatea camerelor pentru acest punct de frontieră?
Ce statistici sunt disponibile pentru traficul de intrare/ieșire în acest punct de frontieră?
Cum pot lua legătura cu reprezentanții acestui punct de trecere a frontierei?
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