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Vaasa Lupakeskus
ID: FI651704
Monitorizare online: Decembrie 22, 2024 - 9:06 am
Trafic la intrare
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Trafic la ieșire
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Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 16:00
-Customs authority responsible for granting the authorisation to establish regular shipping services
-Receiving Customs Authority
-Customs authority responsible for granting the authorisation of authorised consignee for Union transit
-Customs authority responsible for granting the authorisation of authorised issuer
-Customs authority responsible for granting the authorisation of authorised consignor for Union transit
-Customs authority responsible for granting the authorisation of authorised consignee for TIR operation
-Customs authority responsible for granting the authorisation for the status of an authorised weigher of bananas
-Customs authority responsible for granting the authorisation for centralised clearance
-Customs authority responsible for granting authorisation for provision of a comprehensive
-including possible reduction or waiver
Care este codul vamal pentru acest punct de frontieră? Vaasa Lupakeskus
Care sunt orele de lucru ale acestui punct vamal?
Disponibilitatea camerelor pentru acest punct de frontieră?
Ce statistici sunt disponibile pentru traficul de intrare/ieșire în acest punct de frontieră?
Cum pot lua legătura cu reprezentanții acestui punct de trecere a frontierei?
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